Down fonts

Zentraedi font

By Giedi Prime
Download (zip 24.3 Kb)Add to favouritesReport this font
  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
68 characters
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Based on the Zentraedi characters from Macross and Robotech.

Read more


This font has been in the Public Library.
This file is included within any font originating from The Font Foundry, a
free online type resource with one of the largest collections of freeware
and shareware fonts available. The Font Foundry Provides high quality type
by skilled designers, including insights into the background of typography
and elements of design.

For the latest information please visit: -

Notes on installation

- Installing TrueType fonts under Windows95/98 and NT

1. Click on start > settings > then the control panel icon.

2. Double-click on the "Fonts" icon.

3. Select File, then click "install new font"

4. In the dialog window select the drive and directory with the
fonts you want to install.

5. Select the fonts you would like to install and hit �ok�.

6. The newly installed fonts are immediately available for all
application programs.

Copyright Considerations

Please consult the readme file in the font package to make sure
you comply with any specific license terms the author requests.
Note that though this material may have been in a public depository,
certain author copyright restrictions may apply.

Before installing any typefaces we ask you to respect the shareware
concept and support the authors by paying for the typefaces. Many
authors only request a few dollars for their work, this isn't much
to ask in exchange for hours of a designers' time.

The Font Foundry
Free online type archive
" No other design discipline requires so much
learning and training as typography, and by
no other aspect can amateurs be so easily
distinguished from professionals. To be font
literate, a designer has to study the history
and the principles of font design. "



