TRIAL Token Sans 7TRIAL Token Sans 7TRIAL Token Sans 7
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  • Styles (11)
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11 styles for
70 characters
TRIAL Token Sans 7TRIAL Token Sans 7
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Token Font Family is a geometric font family that is a bit serious, but not that serious. It mixes everything with its opposite. It mixes roundness with sharpness. It mixes a professional drawing with naive ideas, unapologetically, and ruins its elegance with rawness. Look how the low contrast and softness of the curves in letters like “e” or “c” are combined with really sharp spiky endings. Look how the thin start of the upper part of the “a” is combined with a closed fat bowl. Notice the thick to light curve of the “o” and “O.” It shouldn’t work but it is: like the way the “y” is deranged and yet flows with other letters, or the way the simply slanted “a” in the italic version named Token Yellow looks like a distorted dotless “i” with a black stain for its bowl.

Token Font is free for personal use. So, if you want to access more features and its full license contact Phantom Foundrydesigner





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