Teodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBold
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18 styles for
429 characters
Teodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBoldTeodor TRIAL ExtraBold
  • Free for Personal Use
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Extended information

Teodor Font Family is a serif, display typeface family with high contrast and elegant curves. His weight stress is vertical and contrast quite high. It’s x-height is standard and connection on stems smooth. It stands next to his brother Tobias and sister Reckless. As Teodor originates in classicism art period. It has calligraphic approach in the terminals.

Teodor Font is free for personal use. So, if you want to access more features and its full license contact Martin Váchadesigner



