PF Square Sans ProPF Square Sans ProPF Square Sans ProPF Square Sans Pro
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4 styles for
65 characters
PF Square Sans ProPF Square Sans Pro
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

PF Square Sans Pro Sans Serif Font is a sans serif font family with rounded features that softens its strong geometric outline. The family consists of 12 fonts—from extrablack to thin—including true italics. It supports 19 special OpenType features like small caps, fractions, ordinals, etc. and offers multilingual support for all European languages including Greek and Cyrillic. Finally, every font in this family has been completed with 270 copyright-free symbols, some of which have been proposed by several international organizations for packaging, public areas, environment, transportation, computers, fabric care and urban life.

Big thanks to Parachute for providing us this free font. PF Square Sans Pro Sans Serif Font is the free demo version that contains only Uppercase, Lowercase, and Numeral Characters. So, if you want to access more features, feel free to check out the full version.



