Pensum Sans DEMO ThinPensum Sans DEMO ThinPensum Sans DEMO Thin
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  • Styles (6)
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  • License
6 styles for
69 characters
Pensum Sans DEMO ThinPensum Sans DEMO Thin
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Pensum Sans Font is a sans serif font family with multiple stylistic sets and variable weights. As readable as Pensum Pro, with italics that are just as sexy, Pensum Sans is a powerhorse for text, text and nothing but text. With the same legible skeleton as the serif, Pensum Sans echoes and contrasts with its companions: steady rhythm, smooth and sharp shapes, unexpected detailing.

Pensum Sans Font is free for personal use. So, if you want to access more features and its full license contact TypeMatesdesigner



