Tom Jerry

Ouido Medium font

By Alfredo Marco Pradil - Website:
Ouido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido Medium
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  • Styles (1)
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1 styles for
369 characters
Ouido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido MediumOuido Medium
  • Free for Personal Use
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Extended information

Ouido Serif Font

This is a serif font that strikes the perfect balance between classic and modern, combining serif and sans serif styles in a Classic way. Equipped with features like letter-spaced small caps and conservatively drawn italics for emphasizing words that maintain the reading speed—providing the reader a pleasant overall experience.

Ouido (pronounced as “widow”) is derived from the Portuguese word OUVIR which means to hear or to listen. Ouido refers to the ability to play a song on any musical instrument after listening to it a couple of times and without reading the notes.

The Ouido typeface is a modernized nostalgia for music enthusiasts, a whimsical revamp of the classic serif font. It bears resemblance with printed classical music scores, characterized by each letter’s rounded strokes like how one drew clefs with passion. Each dot is a twin of the quarter note minus the stem, so weaving sentences together could feel like composing a melody.

Thanks to Hanken Design Co. Ouido Serif Font is the demo version, free for personal use only.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: HERE  



