Oscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial Light
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  • Styles (7)
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7 styles for
653 characters
Oscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial LightOscine Trial Light
  • Free for Personal Use
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Extended information

Oscine Sans Serif Font

A full-on go to font for logotype with modern minimalist treatment in design. Combining a highly unusual lowercase with more conventional capitals, it achieves functionality with just the right amount of character.

Square letter shapes give Oscine its basic style while the corners of its characters are rounded to make it a more friendly design. The differentiation between weights is both subtle and carefully set for optimum on-screen impact and clarity at large sizes.

Oscine isn’t a text font. It is a very flexible display font that can be used in a wide variety of situations. With Oscine, you can create a very different look and feel depending on whether you are using the uppercase and lowercase independently or combined.

Thanks very much to daltonmaag. Oscine Sans Serif Font just personal use only, if you need for commercial use and full version please download in here.





Dafont free for download | dafont-free.com
