- Styles (1)
- Character Maps
- License

- Free for Personal Use
- Free for Commercial Use
- Modification Allowed
- Redistribution Allowed
Extended information
Helpful Information All About This Nifty Typeface Your features may not be chiselled but your typography can be. And with this face (not the kind with eyes and lips) tones and/or color are easily added on the fly (not the kind with wings and sticky feet). The lowercase letters create the shadowed portion of each character while the uppercase provides a mask which becomes the "lit" portion. Text is typed in lowercase, then it is duplicated and placed behind the original text box. The color of the duplicated text is changed and then you're cooking up some 3D, baby! All letters are uppercase. Numbers' masks are created by pressing SHIFT plus the number. The only other character provided is the period (because you've gotta have a dot in this dot com world).
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Nefertina TrueType
by etherbrian
[email protected]
Helpful Information All About This Nifty Typeface
Your features may not be chiselled but your typography can be. And with this face (not the kind with eyes and lips) tones and/or color are easily added on the fly (not the kind with wings and sticky feet). The lowercase letters create the shadowed portion of each character while the uppercase provides a mask which becomes the "lit" portion. Text is typed in lowercase, then it is duplicated and placed behind the original text box. The color of the duplicated text is changed and then you're cooking up some 3D, baby! All letters are uppercase. Numbers' masks are created by pressing SHIFT plus the number. The only other character provided is the period (because you've gotta have a dot in this dot com world).
Use this font free of charge for all your typographic necessities, whether they be personal, whether they be commercial. If, however, you find it within your heart to return the favor I'd really dig a gift certificate from www.dustygroove.com and would thank you for it profusely. If, on the other hand, you find your funds painfully lacking then a friendly email will work just as well.
End User License Agreement for Nefertina TrueType typeface
PLEASE READ THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT BEFORE USING THIS TYPEFACE. By using the Nefertina TrueType typeface you agree to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. If you find that after you have downloaded this typeface that you do not agree to the License Agreement, well, for pete's sake get rid of it.
This typeface is the intellectual property of me, and there are all sorts of sticky little copyright laws both in the United States, home of etherbrian, and everywhere else that protect this little baby. You cannot redistribute it, you cannot resell it. Thanks for cooperating. Cooperation makes the world go 'round.
You may not alter, disassemble, manipulate, mutate, or otherwise tinker under the hood of this typeface without first getting permission from me. And before you draft a flowery letter requesting such, let me tell you now that I'll probably say no.
Warranty Information
PLEASE READ THIS WARRANTY INFORMATION BEFORE USING THIS TYPEFACE. The information concerning the warranty for this typeface is that THERE IS NO WARRANTY. As long as your computer hasn't had coffee spilled all over it, doesn't have a chipmunk living within its casing, isn't eaten up with email attachment variety virii, isn't being hacked by a teenager in Singapore, isn't under electronic investigation by RIAA agents bareback riding anti-terrorism law loopholes, et cetera, then this typeface should work just perfectly. If something goes wrong with your computer, something slightly negative or something deadly earnest deadly, there's not a chance that this typeface was the culprit and I take ZERO RESPONSIBILITY for any of it, not limited to but especially if you have to fork out cash for repairs or replacement. This typeface has been tested and found to be just fine (otherwise why would I distribute it, being the nice guy that I am?), but I have to express my freedom from any liability to protect myself from the occasional lawsuitmonger.
In Conclusion
I hope you enjoy this typeface! If you make friends, influence people, make lots of money, save a life, or spread a good word by utilizing it then I say hooray! Thanks for bothering with it! Have a nice day.
�2004 etherbrian