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Monogram Panhellenica font

By letterpunch - Website:
Monogram PanhellenicaMonogram PanhellenicaMonogram PanhellenicaMonogram Panhellenica
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  • Styles (3)
  • Character Maps
  • License
3 styles for
120 characters
Monogram PanhellenicaMonogram PanhellenicaMonogram Panhellenica
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Monogram Panhellenica is a circle monogram generator font with full Greek alphabet support!

Left- and right-circle forms are accessible through the OpenType 'liga' font feature
of the main font 'monogram-panhellenica.ttf'.

The main font 'monogram-panhellenica.ttf' contains *all* of the glyphs needed to typeset
a circle monogram. The fallback fonts 'monogram-panhellenica-fallback-left.ttf'
and 'monogram-panhellenica-fallback-right.ttf' should only be used if your creative
software does not support OpenType font features.

To create a left-circle form, type a left parenthesis '(', followed by a capital letter.
To create a right-circle form, type a capital letter, followed by a right parenthesis ')'.



will create a circle monogram with 'A' on the left, 'B' in the middle, and 'C' on the right.

National flag icons can be used as the center glyph to render two-letter monograms.

American flag: Dollar sign '$'
Canadian flag: Percent sign '%'
Pan-African flag: Number sign '#'



will create a circle monogram with the Greek letter 'Χ' on the left, an American
flag in the middle, and the Greek letter 'Ω' on the right.

If left- or right-circle forms are not appearing, make sure that OpenType font features
are enabled in your creative software.

Monogram Panhellenica is free for personal use. For commercial or political use, please see licensing options available at:


Read more

Thank you for downloading Monogram Panhellenica! Letterpunch Typography is a small
craft font foundry based in Chicago, IL. All our fonts are free for non-commercial,
non-political personal use!

For commercial or political use, please see licensing options available at:

Left- and right-circle forms are accessible through the OpenType 'liga' font feature
of 'monogram-panhellenica.ttf'.

The file 'monogram-panhellenica.ttf' contains *all* of the glyphs needed to typeset
a circle monogram. The fallback fonts 'monogram-panhellenica-fallback-left.ttf'
and 'monogram-panhellenica-fallback-right.ttf' should only be used if your creative
software does not support OpenType font features.

To create a left-circle form, type a left parenthesis '(', followed by a capital letter.
To create a right-circle form, type a capital letter, followed by a right parenthesis ')'.



will create a circle monogram with 'A' on the left, 'B' in the middle, and 'C' on the right.

National flag icons can be used as the center glyph to render two-letter monograms.

American flag: Dollar sign '$'
Canadian flag: Percent sign '%'
Pan-African flag: Number sign '#'



will create a circle monogram with the Greek letter 'Χ' on the left, an American
flag in the middle, and the Greek letter 'Ω' on the right.

If left- and right-circle forms are not appearing, make sure that OpenType font features
are enabled in your creative software.





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