Maiden's Song OTMaiden's Song OTMaiden's Song OT
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  • Styles (2)
  • Character Maps
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2 styles for
106 characters
Maiden's Song OTMaiden's Song OTMaiden's Song OT
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Maiden's Song is a poster-like mixed up font. This is my first font with the separate font files. Please enjoy :)

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��!!! CAUTION !!!

Frequent use of the font might cause nightblind to some people, as with Mystia Lorelei's mystical chant.

Conglaturations! You've did it!

Thank you for downloading the font! This font was made by Heaven Castro. Maiden's Song is a mixed-up font, with only limited character sets. Why no numbers? Beacause there are no numerals, but letters and some punctuation. It was inspired by the vintage rock band albums of the time. Typing missing characters will display a black circle with white text that says "N�e*," meaning east in Chinese, which is also the Chinese name of doujin bullet hell shooter game, Touhou. To get the 's ligature after what's typing with, you need to type the � (section sign) symbol by using the keypad; type Alt and then 0-1-6-7 at the time. Make sure that the NumLock setting is on.

Installing fonts

You can only install one font file at the time, and you have a choice, whenever the TrueType font file or the OpenType font file. You shouldn't have to install both at the time. For Windows Vista and later, you may right click on one of the font files and select Install. For Mac OS X 10.3 (or later), you may double click on one of the font files and select Install Font. For Mac OS X, you must either copy the font file(s) to /Library/Fonts (for everyone), or to /Users/Your_username/Library/Fonts (for you only). For Windows users who had earlier versions, you must copy the one of these file(s) into the default Windows font folder (usually C:\WINDOWS\FONTS or C:\WINNT\FONTS). Once you've installed one the font files, you can use it anywhere in your favourite programme (or the stuff you need).


Software used


Time taken to make the font

Some moments



Hosted by me on


Hope you liked it :). Enjoy.

* = Pinyin: DMngfng



