Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
138 characters
Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345Lingnerallee 12345
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Lingnerallee 12345 font is free for non-commercial use only.
If you want to use this font commercially, please contact me at [email protected] to get an information about pricing.
Any donation from non-commercial users is welcome.
And if you like the font, you might want to visit my FB page here or my webpage
Thank you!
Lukas Krakora

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EN >

You�ve just downloaded the "Lingnerallee 12345" font (2022) which has been created by Lukas Krakora and is free for non-commercial use only.

If you'd like to use the font commercially please contact me at my email [email protected] to get an information about pricing.

I can add any extra characters or customize the font for purchasers of the commercial license.

Any donation from non-commercial users to my Paypal [email protected] is welcome.

You can find my other fonts on

And my FB page is

Thank you.

Lukas Krakora

CZ >

Prave jste si stahli font "Lingnerallee 12345" (2022), ktery byl vytvoren Lukasem Krakorou a je volne ke stazeni a pouziti avsak pouze pro nekomercni ucely.

V pripade zameru vyuzit font komercne me prosim kontaktujte na emailu [email protected] a dozvite se cenu.

V pripade potreby mohu zajemcum o komercni licenci pridat k fontu dalsi znaky, ci jakkoli upravit existujici.

Jakekoliv financni prispevky od nekomercnich uzivatelu na muj Paypal [email protected] jsou vitany.

Me dalsi fonty naleznete na

Take muzete navstivit mou FB stranku


Lukas Krakora

license: Freeware, commercial use requires donation



