Lightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PG
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
242 characters
Lightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PGLightning Punch PG
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Free for independent comic book creation and non-profit use ONLY.
This font is freeware for independent comic book creation and non-profit use ONLY. This excludes use by ‶mainstream※ publishers, (Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Oni, Image, SLG, Top Cow, Wildstorm, Crossgen, TokyoPop, and their subsidiaries) without a license fee. Use by a ‶mainstream※ publisher (or its employee), and use for mainstream comics, or non-comic, for-profit endeavors incur a license fee be paid to Press Gang Studios. In Essence, this means:

Anyone may use these fonts for non-profit projects.
If you are a self-publisher/creator you may use these fonts for any independently published project, for-profit or nonprofit.
If you are an independent creator, publishing comics through a mainstream company (see above) there is a license fee.
If you are not an independent comic creator and you intend to use these fonts in a commercial project, there is a license fee.

Use the contact form for specific font license fees.
Press Gang Studios
C/o Andrew Pinkard
Anaheim, CA
If you have questions, please contact Press Gang Studios via [email protected]

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License Agreement - Free Fonts

All fonts � Andeh Pinkard. All Rights Reserved. No Press Gang Studios font may be altered or redistributed without the express permission of Andeh Pinkard.

These fonts are freeware for independent comic book creation and non-profit use ONLY. This excludes use by �mainstream� publishers, (Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Oni, Image, SLG, Top Cow, Wildstorm, Crossgen, TokyoPop and their subsidiaries) without a license fee. Use by a �mainstream� publisher (or it�s employee), and use for mainstream comics, or non-comic, for-profit endeavors incurs a license fee be paid to Press Gang Studios. In Essence, this means:

� Anyone may use these fonts for non-profit projects.

� If you are a self-publisher/comic creator you may use these fonts for any independently published project, for profit or non profit.

� If you are an independent comic creator, publishing comics through a mainstream company (see above) there is a license fee.

� If you are not an independent comic creator and you intend to use these fonts in a commercial project, there is a license fee.

E-mail Press Gang Studios for specific fonts� license fees.

Press Gang Studios

If you have questions, please contact Press Gang Studios via [email protected]





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