- Styles (1)
- Character Maps
- License

- Free for Personal Use
- Free for Commercial Use
- Modification Allowed
- Redistribution Allowed
Extended information
The Latin Modern Math (LM Math) font completes the modernization of the Computer Modern family of typefaces designed and programmed by Donald E. Knuth.
That modernization started with the provision of the Latin Modern (LM) family of text fonts in the modern OpenType format and with a far richer set of diacritics and other glyphs making it suitable for typesetting of most Latin scripts.
However, the modernization was incomplete without the math fonts of the Comupter Modern family which were one of the main reasons for the widespread use of the Computer Modern fonts, most notably to typeset papers containing mathematical formulas.
LM and LM Math taken together may now be regarded as a full descendant of Computer Modern.
The Latin Modern Math font is licensed under the GUST Font License (GFL), which is a free license, legally equivalent to the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), version 1.3c or later.
Source: https://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/lm-math
Read more
% This is a preliminary version (2006-09-30), barring acceptance from
% the LaTeX Project Team and other feedback, of the GUST Font License.
% (GUST is the Polish TeX Users Group, http://www.gust.org.pl)
% For the most recent version of this license see
% http://www.gust.org.pl/fonts/licenses/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt
% or
% http://tug.org/fonts/licenses/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
% license or (at your option) any later version.
% Please also observe the following clause:
% 1) it is requested, but not legally required, that derived works be
% distributed only after changing the names of the fonts comprising this
% work and given in an accompanying "manifest", and that the
% files comprising the Work, as listed in the manifest, also be given
% new names. Any exceptions to this request are also given in the
% manifest.
% We recommend the manifest be given in a separate file named
% of the font family. If a separate "readme" file accompanies the Work,
% we recommend a name of the form README-
% The latest version of the LaTeX Project Public License is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt and version 1.3c or later
% is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2006/05/20 or later.
To install a math font one should add it to the system fonts or install
it in the TeX Live directory structure (or both).
Window 7 (or newer): Right click on the font file, choose install
option. Windows 98 (or newer): Go to Start, then Control Panel.
Double click on Fonts, and drag-and-drop the font file into the Fonts
applet window. In MS Windows up to XP, in the Fonts applet, you can
also choose File from the menu bar, then Install New Font.
The font can be installed by double-clicking on the font file and
following the on screen prompts in the Font Book application, or by
manually copying (or dragging) the font file to any of the standard
Fonts folders in Mac OS: ~/Library/Fonts/ (user fonts), /Library/Fonts/
(local fonts) or /System/Library/Fonts/ (system fonts).
c. LINUX (most of current distributions)
Just copy font file to a directory read by font-config. In most cases
the directory /usr/local/share/fonts will be adequate (you can also
copy the font file to ~/.fonts or /usr/share/fonts ). If the font
doesn't appear in the applications font list you can run the fc-cache
program in order to force a cache rebuild.
To install fonts in the TeX Live system you have to copy it to the
appropriate directory: (TEXMF root)/texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/
(you may have to create this directory). When you want install fonts
for only one user, you can use the ~/texmf/fonts/opentype directory
(this directory also may be nonexistent). After coping the font file,
you have to run mktexlsr command to refresh the kpathsea caches.
Most of the typesetting engines can use fonts installed either in OS or
in TeX Live. Microsoft Office (Word) uses, of course, only system fonts.
XeLaTeX can use both of them. LuaLaTeX and ConTeXt uses TeX Live fonts
by default, but if the OSFONTDIR environment variable is set, the
system fonts also can be found.
For typesetting math using an OpenType font with (Lua|Xe)LaTeX, an up
to date version of the unicode-math package (and related LaTeX3
packages) is crucial.
In order to verify whether the font installation was successful, you
may wish to run the TeX examples or open the relevant MS Word example
and compare the results (in case of the Word file, just a previewer is
sufficient) with the respective PDF files.
Note that, unlike for TeX, an OTF font is to be referred rather by its
internalname(s) than by its file name.
############ The TeX Gyre Collection of Fonts ############
Font: Latin Modern Math
Authors: Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski
Version: 1.959
Date: 5 IX 2014
Copyright 2012--2014 for TeX Gyre math extensions by B. Jackowski,
P. Strzelczyk and P. Pianowski (on behalf of TeX Users Groups).
This work can be freely used and distributed under
the GUST Font License (GFL -- see GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt)
which is actually an instance of the LaTeX Project Public License
(LPPL -- see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt).
This work has the maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer
of this work is Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski.
This work consists of the files listed in this file.
Below, in three sections required by the GUST Font License,
font names and file names specific for the Latin Modern Math
font are listed.
NOTE: the names of the directories are not subject to the renaming
1. Fonts whose names should be changed in derived works as requested
by clause 1 of GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt
1.1 OTF menu names
Latin Modern Math
2. Files whose names should be changed in derived works as requested
by clause 1 of GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt
2.1 otf/latinmodern-math.otf
2.2 doc/MANIFEST-Latin-Modern-Math.txt
3. Files whose names need not be changed in derived works as requested
by clause 1 of GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt
############ Latin Modern Collection of Fonts ############
Font: Latin Modern Math
Authors: Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski
Version: 1.959
Date: 5 IX 2014
% Copyright 2012--2014 for the Latin Modern math extensions by B. Jackowski,
% P. Strzelczyk and P. Pianowski (on behalf of TeX Users Groups).
% This work can be freely used and distributed under
% the GUST Font License (GFL -- see GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt)
% which is actually an instance of the LaTeX Project Public License
% (LPPL -- see http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt).
% This work has the maintenance status "maintained". The Current Maintainer
% of this work is Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, Piotr Strzelczyk and Piotr Pianowski.
% This work consists of the files listed
% in the MANIFEST-Latin-Modern-Math.txt file.
############ A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FONT ############
Latin Modern Math is a math companion for the Latin Modern family
of fonts (see http://www.gust.org.pl/projects/e-foundry/latin-modern) in
the OpenType format.
The math OTF fonts should contain a special table, MATH, described in the
confidential Microsoft document "The MATH table and OpenType Features
for Math Processing". Moreover, they should contain a broad collection
of special characters (see "Draft Unicode Technical Report #25.
UNICODE SUPPORT FOR MATHEMATICS" by Barbara Beeton, Asmus Freytag,
and Murray Sargent III). In particular, math OTF fonts are expected
to contain the following scripts: a basic serif script (regular, bold,
italic and bold italic), a calligraphic script (regular and bold),
a double-struck script, a fraktur script (regular and bold), a sans-serif
script (regular, bold, oblique and bold oblique), and a monospaced script.
The basic script is, obviously, Latin Modern. Some scripts, however,
are borrowed from other fonts (the current selection, however, may
be subject to change), belonging, however, to the "TeX circle":
* the calligraphic and fraktur alphabets are excerpted from the renowned
Euler family (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AMS_Euler);
* the double struck script is excerpted from Alan Jeffrey's bbold font
* the sans serif and monospaced alphabets are excerpted from
the Latin Modern Sans and Latin Modern Mono fonts
sans serif bold Greek symbols (required by the already mentioned
"Unicode Technical Report #25") were prepared using D.E. Knuth's
font sources with some manual tuning
The main math component, that is, the math extension, was programmed
from scratch, with an attempt to retain the visual compatiblility
with the original D.E. Knuth's fonts. In particular, all symbols
(with a few exceptions) appearing in the D.E. Knuth's "canonical" fonts
have the same width (rounded) as the corresponding Knuthian ones.
Note that the members of all the mentioned alphabets, except
the main roman alphabet, should be considerd symbols, not letters;
symbols are not expected to occur in a text stream; instead,
they are expected to appear lonely, perhaps with some embellishments
like subscripts, superscripts, primes, dots above and below, etc.
To produce the font, MetaType1 and the FontForge library were used:
the Type1 PostScript font containing all relevant characters was
generated with the MetaType1 engine, and the result was converted
into the OTF format with all the necessary data structures by
a Python script employing the FontForge library.
Recent changes (ver. 1.958 --> ver. 1.959) comprised
mainly interline settings in OTF tables (HHEA and
OS/2) and the correction of unicode slots assigned to
the contour integrals (glyphs `clockwise contour
integral', u+2232, and `anticlockwise contour
integral', u+2233, used to have swapped slots).
* * *
The TeX Gyre Math Project was launched and is supported by
Hearty thanks to the representatives of these groups and also
to all people who helped with their work, comments, ideas,
remarks, bug reports, objections, hints, consolations, etc.
license: Freeware
link: https://www.fontspace.com/latin-modern-math-font-f86521