Ks ReputaytionKs ReputaytionKs Reputaytion
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
113 characters
Ks ReputaytionKs ReputaytionKs Reputaytion
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

This font is free and is for personal use only!
This font is upper and lowercase letters, both upper and lowercase are the same, the graphic is different.
*This font is not available for commercial purposes.
You can find other fonts I have made that are by visiting prettylittlelinedesigns.com

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KS RepuTAYtion
� Katlyn Smith

This font is Free for personal use only

This font is upper and lowercase letters, both upper and lowercase are the same, the graphic is different.

This font is not available for commercial purposes, You can find other fonts I have made that are by
visiting prettylittlelinedesigns.com


<<<<<<<< CONDITIONS OF USE >>>>>>>>>

1. This font can be used for personal use only.

2. It can not be included in any compilation CD's, disks or product,
either commercial or shareware.

3. The zipfile containing the font and this text file must be kept
intact, without alterations, additions or deletions.

4. This font can not be transferred, stored or made available to other
computers or on the internet/bulletin board.

5. No warranty is offered, or understood to have been offered by the
supplier or owner of this font, and the risk of any losses or damage (personal,
financial or otherwise) from the use of this font remain with the user.

6. The supplier can not be responsible for any problems that may arise
by misuse of the font.

<<<<<<<< DEFINITIONS >>>>>>>>>

Personal Use refers to any use that is not meant to generate profit, such as:
*Graphic design for personal websites, blogs, etc..
*Flyers or invitations to friends and family
*Churches, charities, or non-profit organizations
*Making T-shirt for yourself or friends at NO charge
*Coloring Pages for in home use.

Commercial Use is for companies or individuals that may profit from the use of the font, such as the following cases:
*Flyer or poster for an event that charges admission
*Printing a T-shirt that you will be selling
*Text or graphics in a book
*Grapic design work
*Coloring pages in a school or other work environment
*And any other situations where you are getting paid

The font designer or author still retains Copyright, which means that you are not allowed to
sell the font itself or claim it as your own.



