Down fonts

KS-PetitHeart font

By Shoko Halfmoon
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  • Styles (7)
  • Character Maps
  • License
7 styles for
219 characters
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

pixel fonts with i and j dotted with heart, for 8 and 10 point display

Read more

��3�������3 - ����� �3 - (
2008/01/20 14:22:42

The font is distributed on this site ..and my.. Tsc...
All are TrueType fonts for Windows.


1. After README is read well without fail beforehand, I hope download.
2. It becomes what agrees on the thing being written in README of the download of the font.
3. Please never put out URL or neither site name nor the font name at all on the community site in which one with low age such as Fumi communities participates a lot.
It is Yo ..not good.. even if h is pulled out and ttp://-.

Please guard above.
I hope especially for the third.
It is not now when the limitation is put, and there is a possibility of putting the limitation so as not to fly directly when it is not possible to defend.

Manager: Co Kato

��3�������3 - ����� �3 - (
2008/01/20 14:26:23

Font name Explanation Font size
KS-PetitHeart08 It is basic and lovely bit-mapped font for a moment. Multiple of eight
KS-PetitHeart10 It expanded between the characters of KS-PetitHeart08.
It comes in succession with KS-PetitHeartOutline10_2 and 10_5. Multiple of ten
KS-PetitHeartOutline10_1 It is Outline type of KS-PetitHeart. Multiple of ten
KS-PetitHeartOutline10_2 Fitting it narrows between the characters of KS-PetitHeartOutline10_1 and it sticks. Multiple of ten
KS-PetitHeartOutline10_3 The right diagonal under was made fat. Multiple of ten
KS-PetitHeartOutline10_4 Fitting it narrows between the characters of KS-PetitHeartOutline10_3 and it sticks. Multiple of ten
KS-PetitHeartOutline10_5 It narrows between the characters of KS-PetitHeartOutline10_3 further and it makes inroads into the previous character. Multiple of ten

I hope Antialias is turned off as for all fonts published in this page.


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