Down fonts

Highboot font

By Ank Fonts - Website:
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
97 characters
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

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Thank you for coming to this page it would be very helpful if you filled out this questionnaire. You should copy it and paste it into your email program (ctrl+a, ctrl+c, goto email program, crtl+v). If you fill it out I will send you a email telling you of my update. All question that say why after them are optional to answer.I am always looking for some one that could CGI this for me.

1. do you like the new page or the old page better (If you have visited)

2. Why made you choose pick my page (if you came from a link)?

3. What part of my page did you come to visit?

4. What pages did you visit?

5. Which pages did you like the best?

6. Rate overall design from 1-10 (10=best):

a. Ease of navigation

b. Quality of design

c. Quality of Graphics

d. color scheme


7. Answer if you the visited font page:

a. Did you download any fonts, if so which ones?

b. Which font did you like the best, the least?

c. What type of fonts would you like to see?

d. Did you have a hard time navigating the font page?


8. Answer if you visited the Clipart page page.

a. did you visit my retro, web, or both clipart pages

b. which did you like the most (i.e. buttons, retro?)

c. what would you like to see added or more of


9. Answer if you visited the Photoshop page.

a. did you view any of my tips or tricks, if so which ones?

b. what tips or trick would you like to see?


10. would you visit my page again if so why.

11. what browser and version do you use?

12. what if your favorite program?

13. what is the resolution you usual keep your monitor at?

Additional comments:

email addresses of friend that would be interested in this

What type of updates do you want to receive (delete ones you dont want)

a. all

b. new font

c. new image added to gallery

d. photoshop page update

e. links updated

f. i dont want to notified when you updated your page

Created by Austin Kurowski

These fonts are Freeware they be may given out freely but may not gain
profit with out prior permission. You must obtain prior permission to post on the internet. If you use them in any publication
let me know. Thank You.

Tribute to the worst announcer on KTV2 (Kuwait tv 2). I highly recommend moving to Kuwait just to see how bad this guy is, always good for a laugh. This futuristic font is best when used ONLY in caps.

Further Information
program: fontographer 4.1
place of creation: Hawalli, Kuwait
date of completion:

[email protected]



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