HFF High TensionHFF High TensionHFF High TensionHFF High TensionHFF High Tension
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  • Styles (2)
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2 styles for
107 characters
HFF High TensionHFF High TensionHFF High Tension
  • Free for Personal Use
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  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

HFF High Tension is based on Bamberg, from page 11 of "Circus Alphabets:
100 Complete Fonts" by Dan X. Solo, first published by Dover
Publications in 1989. Bamberg is also featured on page 32 of "The
Solotype Catalog of 4,147 Display Typefaces".

HFF High Tension is not a faithful digitization of Bamberg. This is an
all caps font unlike Dan X. Solo's Bamberg where he added lowercase
alphabets. The font was auto-kerned and no effort was made to further
adjust the kerning. The Bamberg plate in Circus Alphabets has 3 symbols
and punctuations. The extra characters in HFF High Tension were made up
by me and would likely be different if the original type creator made
them. These extra characters are also likely to be different from that
of Solo's font.

Read more

HFF High Tension is based on Bamberg, from page 11 of "Circus Alphabets: 100
Complete Fonts" by Dan X. Solo, first published by Dover Publications in
1989. Bamberg is also featured on page 32 0f "The Solotype Catalog of 4,147
Display Typefaces".

HFF High Tension is a free font. You are free to use this font in any way
you want to. You can share this font with others if you wished to.

Use freely, share freely and, most of all, enjoy the font.




