Vít Ã‾¦ond÷k

Gunny Rewritten font

By Vít Čondák
Gunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny Rewritten
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  • Styles (1)
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1 styles for
593 characters
Gunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny RewrittenGunny Rewritten
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
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Extended information

The more different samples of text written with Gunny Handwriting I saw, the more I was dissatisfied with all its faults. In the end I created this revised version. At first sight it might look just like the original but actually it was completely (and hopefully very gently =) remade.

The size of the characters is 20 % bigger, there should be no technical mistakes (overlapping curves, etc.) left, all strokes keep the same style and width, the margins of most characters were changed including the kerning of classic problem pairs (Fo, Po, ...), many special or composed characters were added (Polish, French, Greek, ...) and all characters are smoother, so they look better in bigger sizes.

Since version 0.97 the font includes all Greek and Cyrillic letters.

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Gunny Rewritten

based on Gunny Handwriting

by V�t �ond�k


En Cz Sk Pl Fr De Gr Ru ...


0.971 2014-02-06
* tweaked: Cyrillic mg, German s

0.97 2014-01-31
+ complete Cyrillic including basic kerning pairs
* 585 glyphs, 757 kerning pair total
+ sun male female

0.969 2014-01-30
+ all small Cyrillic letters
* tweaked: E Gamma beta epsilon eta lambda kappa pi tau theta
* modified positios: doublequotes
+ kerning pairs: Gamma+... Rho+... Tau+...

0.968 2014-01-27
* modified spacing of several Greek letters
+ most azbuka capital letters

0.967 2014-01-24
* modified shape: ()[]{}& Euro
* minor tweaks: CThmn =
+ kerning pairs: TC TG TQ
+ apostrophe ($02BC)

0.966 2014-01-14
* modified position: questiondown, exclamationdown
* modified shape: @:;()
+ several Greek+tonos, currency
+ kerning pairs: 7. 7,

0.965 2013-11-17
* modified shape and spacing: 0123456789

0.964 2013-08-21
* modified shape: Seikqyz + ring
+ kerning pairs: Vt, Et, F+..., S+...

0.963 2013-08-19
* modified shape: HQUZu + acute
* modified width: J

0.962 2013-08-15
* new kerning pairs for VA and IJ (+variations)
* modified thickness: EINTUt
* modified width: IK
* modified shape: V

0.961 2013-08-13
* modified thickness: BDEHINOPQRTXnqu
* 30 new kerning pairs

0.96 2013-07-17
* card symbols

0.959 2013-07-16
+ all Greek characters
* kerning pairs for f+
+ pound

0.958 2013-07-07
+ added many kerning pairs (V+, W+, P+, ...)

0.957 2013-07-06
+ added all characters with macron and tilde
* slightly modified AFKVWZms5 ...
+ added thorn

0.956 2013-07-04
+ added aliases for common Greek characters
+ added some characters with tilde

0.955 2013-07-03
* resized to 120 %

0.953 2013-07-02
+ all Polish characters
* improved kerning
* many glyphs modified: Kwmnt034 ...

0.952 2013-06-13
+ ...circumflex
* overlapping curves
* many minor fixes
* removed empty ligatures
* fixed kerning P...
* fixed line width: PZadltw ...

0.95 2003-08-16
+ oslash, euro
* t

0.94 + a-udieresis






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