Genesis Handwriting FontGenesis Handwriting FontGenesis Handwriting FontGenesis Handwriting Font
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
120 characters
Genesis Handwriting FontGenesis Handwriting FontGenesis Handwriting Font
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

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��---------------------- a& �Hola! Gracias por descargar mi Font a& ----------------------

Esta Font es completamente gratuita, as� que puedes:

" Utilizarla con fines personales '

" Redistribuirla '

" Utilizarla con fines comerciales ' || Las aplicaciones tambi�n son permitidas.

" Cambiar su tama�o '

No se permite:

" Utilizarla para alg�n logo o algo similar a un logo.

" Venderla como tal.

" Renombrarla.

" Reclamarla como tuya.


" Es necesaria (a excepci�n de im�genes, impresos o videos) pero puedes elegir como

atribuir. a&

" En caso de ser un impreso, imagen o video no est�s obligado a poner los cr�ditos

directamente, sin embargo se agradecer�a que en la descripci�n pudieras ponerle la

atribuci�n, pero no es obligatorio. a&

Esta font no tiene garant�a, el autor/dise�ador no se hace responsable de cualquier

da�o directo o indirecto causado por la misma.

��---------------------- a& Hello! Thank you for download my Font a& ----------------------

This font is completely free (gratis), so you can:

" Use it for personal purposes '

" Redistribute it '

" Use it for commercial purposes ' || Applications are also allowed.

" Change ther size '

Not allowed:

" Use them for a logo or something similar to a logo.

" Sell it as such.

" Rename it.

" Edit it.

" Claim it as your own.


" It is necessary (except for images, prints or videos) but you can choose how to

attribute. a&

" In case of an print, image or video you are not obliged to put the credits directly,

however it would be appreciated that in the description you could put the

attribution but is not neccesary. a&

This font has no guarantee, the author/designer is not responsible for any direct

or indirect damage caused by it.



