FONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters SansFONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters SansFONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters SansFONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters Sans
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  • Styles (5)
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  • License
5 styles for
96 characters
FONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters SansFONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters SansFONTSPRING DEMO - Commuters Sans
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Commuters Sans Font

This is a minimal and neat sans-serif typeface family of 16 fonts, made with perfection in every aspect of design. Useful for both body-text and titling by their minimal glyph shapes and slightly wide and eye-catching proportion.

Consists of eight weights and their matching italics. Supporting almost all latin languages. All-caps text for one line or a few is as wonderful as normal mixed-case typesetting.

Commuters Sans Font is provided to you by Dharma Type. Free for personal, non-profit use. For commercial use you need to buy a license hereĀ 



