Down fonts

FF Nosebleed font

By Frankenfonts - E-mail: [email protected]
FF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF Nosebleed
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
656 characters
FF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF NosebleedFF Nosebleed
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

This font is modeled after the hand-inked text found in The Cult's "family tree" poster found as a promotional item, and reproduced in various publications including a guitar sheet music book (for the Sonic Temple album) and a promotional cd insert. The original poster was created by Pete Frame for Beggars Banquet, the record label. I assume it is his handwriting I have reproduced in this font. The first version of this font was released 6/5/2001 (and named Ed Banger) in honor of The Cult's new album, Beyond Good And Evil, released the same day.

The font is named FF-Nosebleed because:
A) All my fonts will begin with FF to indicate they come from Frankenfonts.
B) Ed Banger & The Nosebleeds is the first band listed in the "family tree" in question.
C) I thought the characters looked more like the way a nosebleed runs than anything I could picture from "Ed Banger"

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FF-Nosebleed Normal TrueType Font
Version 1.0 Released 6/21/2001

This font is modeled after the hand-inked text found in The Cult's "family tree" poster found as a promotional item, and reproduced in various publications including a guitar sheet music book (for the Sonic Temple album) and a promotional cd insert. The original poster was created by Pete Frame for Beggars Banquet, the record label. I assume it is his handwriting I have reproduced in this font. The first version of this font was released 6/5/2001 (and named Ed Banger) in honor of The Cult's new album, Beyond Good And Evil, released the same day.

The font is named FF-Nosebleed because:
A) All my fonts will begin with FF to indicate they come from Frankenfonts.
B) Ed Banger & The Nosebleeds is the first band listed in the "family tree" in question.
C) I thought the characters looked more like the way a nosebleed runs than anything I could picture from "Ed Banger"

Conditions of use as of 6/21/2001
These conditions override all previous conditions

This font is Testware, in that you can use it totally free of charge, without asking permission.

This zipfile must be kept intact, without alterations, if being
transferred via disk, email, internet, or any other media. It can be
made available for downloading from a website.

Questions may be directed to:

Todd Bainbridge
[email protected]

<<<<<<<< CONDITIONS OF USE >>>>>>>>>

1. This font can be used for personal and commercial use, with the
understanding that this font was created as a hobby and no claim
of professionalism is made.

2. It can be included in any compilation CDs, disks or product.

3. The zipfile containing the font and this text file must be kept
intact, without alterations, additions or deletions.

4. This font can be transferred, stored or made available to other
computers or on the internet/bulletin board as long as no fee or
charge is requested for this service.

5. No warranty is offered, or understood to have been offered by the
supplier of this font, and the risk of any losses or damage from
use of this font remain with the user.

6. The supplier cannot be responsible for any problems that may arise
by misuse of the font.

7. The term 'Testware' shall be taken and understood to mean that you
can use the font, without restrictions, in any manner that you wish,
as long as the user understands that the user is responsible for any
legal or moral situations that may arise for their use of this font in
any immoral, racist or illegal way.

8. Use of this font indicates your acceptance of these terms.

Anyway, that's it in total. As stated you can now do as you wish with my fonts, with full
responsibility upon your broad shoulders, but a kindness would be in letting me know
where and how you use my fonts (see address above), as I like to know if someone out there
uses them.





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