Engraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CC
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2 styles for
370 characters
Engraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CCEngraving CC
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Extended information

This is a digital font based off of the Engravers typeface offered by the American Type Founders. These letters first appeared in Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Type Foundry which was later bought by ATF, where they were refined by prolific designer Morris Fuller Benton. This was a very popular typeface and many type foundries offered similar letters. Today we see many fonts of different names with essentially the same characteristics.
indestructible type* is joining the Cowboy Collective by making free and open-source digital revivals of classic American typefaces. Engraving CC is the third instalment in this series. This is by no means a definitive interpretation of these letters, but it is a tepid step towards exploring more ornamental engraving styles.
Unfortunately, and questionably, Monotype owns the trademark to naming things ‶engraver’s※ so the Cowboy Collective edition of this typeface is named Engraving.





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