- Styles (2)
- Character Maps
- License

- Free for Personal Use
- Free for Commercial Use
Extended information
The dearJoe series of fonts came to life around the year 1999, when I created dearJoe 1, which was a first (and half-assed) attempt to convert my own handwriting into a working font. Being able to type in my own hand had always been a childhood fantasy, and even though I only partly understood the software, a working font was generated and I decided to put it on the internet for people to use in their own personal projects.
Which they did: at this moment the dearJoe 1 font has been downloaded millions of times and can be found on Vietnamese riksjas, Tasmanian gyms and chocolate stores on 5th Avenue for instance. The font is not something I am particularly proud of, but it started me of in building what’s now the JOEBOB graphics foundry.
Inbetween creating other fonts, the dearJoe series has become a theme I revisit every once in a while, trying to create an update on how my handwriting has evolved, along with my abilities in creating fonts that mimic actual handwriting. In the last decade or so I started implementing ligatures and alternate characters, which helped a lot in coming to a result that can almost pass for actual handwriting.
The 2019 dearJoe 7 font is the latest addition to this font family. All characters were scanned from handwritten notes, cherrypicking the characters and letter-combinations I liked best. They were written with a Lamy M66 B pen and only minor adjustments were made to the original scans, leaving most little flaws and rough edges as they were for a convincing ball-point on paper result.
The font comes with over 150 ligatures, making sure the font has a variated and credible overall look and feel and you can buy your own copy here: dearJoe 7
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J O E B O B graphics non-commercial user license agreement
This is a limited trial version of the font. The complete
commercial version is available at www.joebobgraphics.com. This trial
version of the font is not embeddable and comes only with
upper- and lower case characters; no special signs etc.
This FONT is demoware, meant to be used as a try-out and in
non-commercial projects only. In case you want to use it in
a commercial project you will have to buy a full commercial
version on my website: www.joebobgraphics.com
This font is protected by copyright laws and international
copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property
laws and treaties.
1. GRANT OF LICENSE. This document grants you the following
- Installation and Use: You may install and use this font on
your computer and use it in non-commercial projects.
- Reproduction and Distribution: You may not reproduce and
distribute any copies of the FONT. Copies of the FONT may not
be included as part of your own product unless by prior
permission of JOEBOB graphics
- Restrictions on Alteration: You may not rename, edit or
create any derivative works from the FONT. If you need to
embed them in documents please ask for permission (or buy an
embeddable version) from JOEBOB graphics.
- The commercial versions of the JOEBOB graphics fonts must be
considered as mostly decorative fonts, implying they are not
expected to be used for displaying large amounts of text, but
more for titles and headers. That's why some of these fonts
have a limited set of characters: Upper- and lower case ABC/abc,
numbers and most special signs you can find on a normal keyboard.
expressly disclaims any warranty for this FONT.
The FONT and any related documentation is provided "as is"
without warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
including, without limitation, the implied warranties or
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or
The entire risk arising out of use or performance of the FONT
remains with you.
shall JOEBOB graphics be liable for any damages whatsoever
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, or any other
pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this
product, even if JOEBOB graphics has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.
This font is a trial version of the actual (complete) font. In case
you want to buy a complete version please do so at www.joebobgraphics.com
Should you have any questions concerning this document, or if
you desire to contact JOEBOB graphics for any reason, please
contact [email protected].