Axion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RND
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1 styles for
397 characters
Axion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RNDAxion RND
  • Free for Personal Use
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Extended information

Axion RND is an original design by Alex Kaczun. Axion RND is a style variation based on his original Axion typeface family of fonts. It is a display font not intended for text use. It was designed specifically for display headlines, logotype, branding and similar applications.

The entire font has an original look which has rounded corners throughout and is strong, dynamic, machine generated and can be widely used in publications and advertising.

Axion RND is a futuristic, techno-looking and expressive typeface with an appearance of machined parts and rounded edges. This attractive display comes in roman with lower case and lining figures. Moreā€¦

Designers: Alex Kaczun

Axion RND




