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- Styles (1)
- Character Maps
- License
1 styles for
215 characters

- Free for Personal Use
- Free for Commercial Use
- Modification Allowed
- Redistribution Allowed
Extended information
●Yelekish Font(エルカ語フォント)
【Copyright(C)2017 Akatsuki ISUZU】
-The fonts were created by me(Akatsuki ISUZU).
My fonts are Freeware,
you can use them any way you want to Personal use, Commercial use, or whatever.
-You may not Sell or Distribute my Fonts for profit or alter the font files in
any way without asking me first.
I can be reached at:
(make sure you replace the [★] with the @ characters) .
You can visit my Homepage 「暴発炸裂マシンガン Ak-α2」 at