Down fonts

Whatacolour font

By Vít Čondák - Website:
Download (zip 475.3 Kb)Add to favouritesReport this font
  • Styles (2)
  • Character Maps
  • License
2 styles for
359 characters
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

I generally prefer simple fonts with as few points as it's possible but this time I decided to create a font emulating shades of grey and it requires a lot of points.

Creating the original design with a brush, watercolours and paper was rather fast and easy but then I spend more than a month experimenting with different approaches and programs to get the best result. In the end I wrote my own converting tool and after a lot of manual tweaking I finally end up with a font that's under 1 MB.

It's still rather big and slow but it's much better than my previous prototypes. =)


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OpenType font
by V�t �ond�k

Email: gunny(a)

En Cz Sk De Fr Pl ...

Category: watercolour

Panose: 3-6-6-2-3-5-2-2-2-6

[ English License ]

Free for personal or non-commercial use.
In case you want to use the font for a commercial project please contact me to buy a license.

If you think something in this font doesn't feel right please contact me.

[ English description ]

I generally prefer simple fonts with as few points as it's possible but this time
I decided to create a font emulating shades of grey and it requires a lot of points.
Creating the original design with a brush, watercolours and paper was rather fast and easy
but then I spend more than a month experimenting with different approaches and programs
to get the best result. In the end I wrote my own converting tool and after a lot
of manual tweaking I finally end up with a font that's under 1 MB.
It's still rather big and slow but it's much better than my previous prototypes. =)

[ �esk� licence ]

Zdarma pro osobn� a nekomer�n� u�it�.
V p��pad�, �e chcete font pou��t pro komer�n� ��ely, je nutn� m� kontaktovat a koupit si licenci.

Pokud ve fontu objev�te n�co, co by bylo vhodn� opravit nebo doladit, tak m� pros�m kontaktujte.

[ �esk� popis ]

V�t�inou se ve sv�ch fontech sna��m po�et ��dic�ch bod� omezit na nutn� minimum,
ale tentokr�t jsem se rozhodl ud�lat font, kter� by rastrov�n�m emuloval odst�ny �edi a to vy�aduje
skute�n�ho hodn� bod�.
Vytvo�en� prvotn�ho n�vrhu pomoc� �t�tce a vodov�ch barev bylo pom�rn� rychl� a snadn�,
ale pak jsem v�ce nez m�s�c str�vil experimentov�n�m s r�zn�mi p��stupy a programy,
abych se dopracoval skute�n� nejlep��mu v�sledku. Nakonec jsem si napsal vlastn� konverzn�
utilitu a po dal��ch ru�n�ch �prav�ch jsem se kone�n� dobral fontu, kter� m� m�n� ne� 1 MB.
Je to st�le pom�rn� hodn� a font se tak pomalu vykresluje, ale proti p�edchoz�m prototyp�m je to znateln� vylep�en�. =)



0.55 2018-04-26
* tweaked: null
+ Whatacolour Solid

0.54 2018-04-23
* tweaked: AE

0.53 2018-04-18
+ panose
* tweaked: V ;
* kerning: // \\

0.52 2018-04-17
* tweaked: L W Z / \
+ endash emdash
* kerning: F+O F+CGS

0.51 2018-04-14
* tweaking margins: J Z Lslash

0.50 2018-04-13
* margin: F / \
* F+kerning T+kerning
* Lslash

0.49 2018-04-12
* G N Eth Hbar Tbar
+ mu quotes
+ kerning: L+ T+ Y+ V+

0.48 2018-04-11
+ Eth Hbar Tbar

0.47 2018-04-11
+ permille Lcaron

0.46 2018-04-11
+ common combined letters (+acute +caron +circumflex etc.)

0.45 2018-04-11
* fixed all intersections etc.
* basic set of letters and numbers is complete

0.30 2018-04-02
* reimported all glyphs with different rasterization

0.26 2018-03-09
+ quotes section lira bullet yen brokenbar onesup
* the font is too big and slow

0.25 2018-03-08
* basic set of letters and numbers is complete

0.24 2018-03-07
* optimizing number of points

0.22 2018-03-06
* optimizing number of points

0.20 2018-03-05
* start from scratch with an alternate rasterization

0.13 2018-03-02
* fixing intersections

0.12 2018-03-02
+ combined glyphs

0.10 2018-03-01
+ imported basic glyphs

0.00 2018-02-25
* sketch on paper






Dafont free for download |
