Onur YazÃ‾±cÃ‾±gil

Onur YazÃ‾±cÃ‾±gil (Onur YazÃ‾±cÃ‾±gil)

Join 10 years ago
From Istanbul, Turkey
Onur Yazıcıgil is a visual communication designer with an emphasis on typography and type design. He received his MFA in visual communications design from Purdue University where he researched the evolution of humanist and grotesque types. He won the first prize in typographic excellence in 2007 from the Society of Typographic Arts in Chicago, and his posters were exhibited in the United States, Italy, South Korea and Turkey. He gave talks at TypeCon and ATypI and lectured on various topics in typography. His latest humanist sanserif typeface, Duru Sans was bought by Google to be used in the Google Webfonts directory. At the moment, he is a faculty member at Sabancı University in İstanbul teaching visual communication studio classes, typography and illustration. He is the co-creator of ISType (Istanbul Type Seminars) as well as a board member of ATypI (Association Typographique Internationale).

Onur YazÃ‾±cÃ‾±gil's fonts (1) | page 1



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