SK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded Light
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  • Styles (2)
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2 styles for
961 characters
SK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded LightSK Zweig Rounded Light
  • Free for Personal Use
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Extended information

SK Zweig Serif Font is a serif typeface that combines the contrast of bright curves and sharp straight lines. It was designed with inspiration from Stefan Zweig’s works and the design concept of his era.

It is designed to be used easily in long texts and headings. It contains many typographic elements that you will need in your design.

It offers full support for the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic alphabets. It contains 52 different fonts and 48,776 glyphs.

Big thanks to Salih Kizilkaya for providing us this freebie. SK Zweig Serif Font free for personal use, don’t hesitate to check out theFull Version to get the most out of this serif font.





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