S. John Ross

Sans Sara font

By Cumberland Fontworks
Sans SaraSans SaraSans SaraSans SaraSans Sara
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  • Styles (1)
  • Character Maps
  • License
1 styles for
208 characters
Sans SaraSans SaraSans SaraSans SaraSans SaraSans Sara
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

This is the initial release of a font with several future releases and related fonts planned. SANS SARA is an all-new Bauhaus-styled font modeled on two things: the style Herbert Bayer, and the style, writing, and even personality of Sara King, a woman my wife and I love very much. This release, finalized and released on Sara's birthday, is a tribute to her, one of many to come. The many playful and symbolic connections between Sara King and Herbert Bayer will be documented in a special PDF to be included with later releases ... but for now suffice it to say that every detail of the font is symbolic in some way.

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A Font by S. John Ross
Cumberland Games & Diversions

This is the initial release of a font with several future releases and related fonts planned. SANS SARA is an all-new Bauhaus-styled font modeled on two things: the style Herbert Bayer, and the style, writing, and even personality of Sara King, a woman my wife and I love very much. This release, finalized and released on Sara's birthday, is a tribute to her, one of many to come. The many playful and symbolic connections between Sara King and Herbert Bayer will be documented in a special PDF to be included with later releases ... but for now suffice it to say that every detail of the font is symbolic in some way.

This font is copyright � 2011 by S. John Ross. "Cumberland Games & Diversions" and this font's title are trademarks of S. John Ross. This font is free for private use only. Any public or commercial use, or any use by an organization rather than an individual, requires a license; contact the Cumberland Fontworks via email ([email protected]) or find me on the Web for additional contact information. Additional glyphs (foreign alphabet support, customizations, etc) are available by commission.

This ZIP archive may be freely distributed provided none of the contents are altered or removed.

Version 1.0

This font includes a custom glyph called SNARK (in software that supports OpenType ligatures, just type SNARK with ligatures turned on to retrieve it). Unlike the rest of the font (which is free only for private use) the SNARK image is free for any use, public or private, commercial or non-commercial, provided the image is not altered.

The SNARK project is simply this: to spread the SNARK image anywhere it can go, to plaster it across the face of the Earth and beyond. The SNARK image is the first of a trilogy, the beginning of a community art project spanning the globe, and I hope you'll join us.

If you share with me an interesting photograph of the SNARK image in YOUR city, I'd love to see it and I'll do my best to make you feel appreciated for it. If you'd like PDFs of the SNARK image, drop me a line.





Dafont free for download | dafont-free.com
