Run, CowardRun, Coward
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1 styles for
72 characters
Run, CowardRun, Coward
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Extended information

This font is designed after the in-game lettering used in the arcade game Sinistar.
It includes three punctuation characters: Exclamation point, comma, and "@". (I recommend the @.)
The font is all caps; lower-case letters produce only blank space.

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Run, Coward
Version 1.0

� 2005 Letters From The Claw - Freeware!
This font may be freely redistributed, but only if you have at least ten Sinibombs. Please include this text file.

I think we can all agree that terror is one of the most exquisite emotions, yes? It quickens the blood, sharpens the senses, and renews, shall we say, the perspective. Art which causes terror is, therefore, to be honored and highly prized.

In the video game boom-era of the 80's, there were many moments of pants-wetting fear: when you lost your last Humanoid in Defender and your planet blew up...when Evil Otto appeared, unstoppable and unrelenting (surely the model for the Terminator) in Berzerk...when you realized that the pig wasn't going to catch the bananas in Amidar (Uh...don't ask). But one game stands above them all: SINISTAR.

Unlike most "talking" games, Sinistar didn't seem to be taunting you in a jocular way; when Sinistar said "I hunger", it was a warning, not a joke. When Sinistar said "I live!", it was a harbinger of fear, not the cry of a robotic loser. When Sinistar said "Run, Coward!", the hair on the back of your neck stood up, goosebumps raced down your arms, and if you were smart, you started to run.

And when Sinistar SCREAMED...

Well, let's draw the curtain of modesty over the shell-shocked shaking first-time Sinistar gamer, as he wanders, dazed and shattered, back into the more friendly, prosaic area of the arcade.

This font is designed after the in-game lettering used in the arcade game Sinistar.
It includes three punctuation characters: Exclamation point, comma, and "@". (I recommend the @.)
The font is all caps; lower-case letters produce only blank space.

For more font treasures, including galleries of fonts in the Gothic & Horror genre and a gallery of video-game-related fonts, visit The Empire of The Claw, at

This font carries no warranty, but unless, after you install it, your computer starts chasing you around the room yelling "I hunger!", I frankly wouldn't worry.

The Claw
[email protected]

p.s. - You do carry Sinibombs with you at all times, though...right?





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