Tom Jerry

NewCM Mono 10 font

By Nasir Udin
NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10
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  • Styles (7)
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7 styles for
2,063 characters
NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10NewCM Mono 10
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

New Computer Modern Serif Font is a new collection of display serif typeface. Well designed font with high-contrast proportion, short serif and legit x-heights. It is a new assembly of New Computer fonts plus glyphs for non latin alphabets which are considered compatible in style to CM fonts.

New Computer Modern Font includes serif, sans serif and monospaced variants, each in Regular and Bold weights with matched Italics. The fonts contain Latin and accented Latin letters and combinations, Greek (monotonic and polytonic), and Cyrillic.

Thanks to Nasir Udin. ThisĀ is free for personal & commercial use. Please download and enjoy, or can search more similar fonts on befonts.





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