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Maximal Text font

By Giedi Prime
Maximal TextMaximal TextMaximal TextMaximal Text
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  • Styles (1)
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1 styles for
83 characters
Maximal TextMaximal TextMaximal Text
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Almost all characters are cannononical, but A-Z are also accurate to the show!
Meaning, my character for A actually means A in Maximal, and some messages can
now be read. (To humorous effect, sometimes.) 1-9 are similarly accurate, and
the character for 10 was assigned to 0. a-z and punctuations (comma, period,
colon, semicolon) were assigned randomly, though I am willing to entertain
suggestions on permuting the order to make them more accurate. The maximals
seem to have two numbering systems, as seen in the graph of Code of Hero. They
could be two analogous numbering systems (like arabic numerals and roman
numerals) or the second set could represent higher orders of magnitude. Either
way, the second set of numberals were assigned to the key above the number
they represent (on most keyboards). In order, they are !@#$%^&*(). I also
borrowed my square brackets from Neale Davidson, and assigned some symbols
seen on Maximal keyboards to the { and } keys. Enjoy!

Read more

Maximal Text is a freeware font created by Jim Sorenson ([email protected])
of Giedi Prime Fonts ( It was completed on 2/1/99, updated on
4/13/99, and is based on the writing of the Maximals from Beast Wars. It is to be
distributed freely, though if used for some commercial purpose please inform me and
credit me in some way. When distributing this file please include the readme.

Almost all characters are cannononical, but A-Z are also accurate to the show!
Meaning, my character for A actually means A in Maximal, and some messages can
now be read. (To humorous effect, sometimes.) 1-9 are similarly accurate, and
the character for 10 was assigned to 0. a-z and punctuations (comma, period,
colon, semicolon) were assigned randomly, though I am willing to entertain
suggestions on permuting the order to make them more accurate. The maximals
seem to have two numbering systems, as seen in the graph of Code of Hero. They
could be two analogous numbering systems (like arabic numerals and roman
numerals) or the second set could represent higher orders of magnitude. Either
way, the second set of numberals were assigned to the key above the number
they represent (on most keyboards). In order, they are !@#$%^&*(). I also
borrowed my square brackets from Neale Davidson, and assigned some symbols
seen on Maximal keyboards to the { and } keys. Enjoy!

4/13/99: Made some minor changes to the F S and D characters.

Notes on how I deduced what character goes where; (boring but I thought i
would include it for completion)

Maximal writing can be seen in many episodes, but I drew mainly from Chains of Command,
Other Voices Part 1, Maximal No More and The Agenda Part 1 & 3. In Chains of Command,
Rattrap realizes that the shields are going down. Two different text messages appear on
the control pannel, but they are the same message flipped over the vertical axis.
The second message intrigued me. So I wrote out the characters and tried to figure out
what they might be saying. Eventually, Shield Failure presented itself to me. Then, I
remembered some text in Agenda 1. Rhinox is calculating the path of the transwarp wave,
and a picture of Cybertron plus some text appeared. Using the letters I had already
figured out, the text read _ _ _ e r _ r _ _. I guessed the letters wrote out cybertron,
which fit. Then I checked out the Ark's computer in Agenda 3. There were two very clear
text messages. The top one was s c a n n i n _ . I guessed scanning. The bottom one
was t a r g e t l o c _ e d. I guessed target locked. Then I checked out the text
in Other Voices part 1, eager to get the rest of the alphabet. Towards the end, right
before Rhinox gets shot by Black Arachnia, you can see the letters writen vertically,
abcdefg hi_kl_n. Obviously those two were j and m. Then I backed up a bit, and you can
see the rest of the alphabet in previous camera angle. The text is hard to read, but
I had already written down all the characters from all the episodes, so I matched
the shape with the character. Viola! Now, as a bonus for reading all this, crack
out your tape of Maximal No More. Go to the scene right at the beginning when Dinobot
compares Predacon instalations with the golden disk, and wait for a bunch of really clear
text to pop up on the left side of his screen. Translate it and have a good laugh.





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