Tom Jerry

Majorant TRIAL Blk font

By Eduardo Manso - Website:
Majorant TRIAL BlkMajorant TRIAL BlkMajorant TRIAL BlkMajorant TRIAL Blk
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  • Styles (7)
  • Character Maps
  • License
7 styles for
68 characters
Majorant TRIAL BlkMajorant TRIAL Blk
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Majorant Sans Serif Font is a modern grotesque font, it could be described as a neo-grotesque with hints of geometric shapes. Its wide range of weights makes it a multipurpose family. The extreme weights work as a display typeface, from the mathematical rigour of the UltraThin to the expressive refinement of the Black. Thanks to the several alternates included, the font offers multiple personalities. From sharp and audacious in the default version, to the soft and classic in the stylistic sets.

Majorant Sans Serif Font is provided to you by Emtype Foundry. Free for personal, non-profit use. For commercial use you need to buy a license hereĀ 



