Hero archer free versionHero archer free versionHero archer free versionHero archer free version
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  • Styles (1)
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1 styles for
144 characters
Hero archer free versionHero archer free versionHero archer free versionHero archer free version
  • Free for Personal Use
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  • Modification Allowed
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Extended information

Hero Archer Display Font is a new all-caps, serif display typeface inspired by action movie posters with the theme of war or knights in the night knight. The bold character of The Hero Archer Typeface is perfect for making hero movie titles, game titles, logotypes, halloween theme, t-shirt designs and so on with heroic themes.

The Hero Archer Typeface has alternatives that you can combine between swashes and symbols that have the theme of heroes and war. Besides that this font is very easy to use both in design and non-design programs because everything changes and glyphs are supported by Unicode (PUA).

Big thanks to Alit Design for providing us this free font. Hero Archer Display Font is the free demo version that contains only Uppercase, Lowercase, and Numeral Characters. So, if you want to access more features, feel free to check out the full version.

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