FSP DEMO - Argent CFFSP DEMO - Argent CFFSP DEMO - Argent CFFSP DEMO - Argent CF
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  • Styles (5)
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  • License
5 styles for
95 characters
FSP DEMO - Argent CFFSP DEMO - Argent CFFSP DEMO - Argent CF
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Argent CF Serif Font is a contemporary high-contrast serif typeface created by Connary Fagen with a distinctive look. Argent is dashing and expressive, with a pronounced x‑height and evocative, flowing letter­forms. Featuring true italics, wide language support, a host of OpenType features, and lots of character, Argent a tribute to the past and a step into the future.

This is the demo version. Argent CF Serif Font free for personal use, please visit his store for more other products, and buying fonts support him.

Link to purchase full version and commercial license: FULL VERSION COMMERCIAL 



