Tom Jerry

Aceserif font

By Dexsar Harry Anugrah - Website:
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  • Styles (4)
  • Character Maps
  • License
4 styles for
130 characters
  • Free for Personal Use
  • Free for Commercial Use
  • Modification Allowed
  • Redistribution Allowed

Extended information

Bandung + Aceserif 87664

OTF, TTF | 322 KB

Bandung from Majestype was made to capture the natural movement of a brush script infused with the elegance of copperplate hand. With 6 months in the making, we want to make sure that the character set connects each other as natural and seamless as a handwriting would be. We give you a vast amounts of glyph options(400+) and will get update periodically, added with lots of swashes and flourishes to give you an authentic look of a hand made brush letters.

This font is also looks very nice when combined with font “Aceserif” that we make as a bonus if you buy at this time. If you want to access all character, you need software that support OpenType Feature like Illustrator, indesign & CorelDraw.



